About the Journal:
Starting with the year 2024, the journal has the title: "Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law". This journal is edited by the SOCIETY OF JURIDICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES under the aegis of the ROMANIAN ACADEMY and published online by ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher. "Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law" has ISSN: 3008-637X, ISSN-L: 3008-637X.
In the period 2011-2023, the journal had the title "Juridical Tribune - Tribuna Juridica", ISSN: 2247-7195, e-ISSN 2248 – 0382, ISSN-L 2247 – 7195.
The journal "Tribuna Juridică" was published in Romania for the first time in the interwar period, in 1919. Starting with 2011, the journal is published in a new edition, at the initiative of the editor-in-chief Cătălin-Silviu Săraru.
The Journal opens its pages to authors from different countries, from the legal education space and from the practitioners of law, encouraging the publication of critical analyzes of the evolution of comparative and international law. The scope of the journal is to create a platform for international legal debates, a bridge between legal scientists around the world.
This journal is published regularly 4 times a year (in March, June, October and December).
This is the only journal with a legal profile in Romania indexed in EMERGING SOURCES CITATION INDEX - WEB OF SCIENCE CLARIVATE ANALYTICS (since 2015) and in SCOPUS (since 2021). The journal is also indexed in EBSCO, HEINONLINE, CEEOL, PROQUEST, ERIH Plus, WorldCat, KVK - recognized international databases in the field of legal sciences (according to Annex no. 24 of the Order of the Minister of National Education and Scientific Research no. 6129/2016), as well as in Doaj, RePEc, IndexCopernicus, UlrichsWeb, Cabell, OAJI, VLex.
The journal is indexed in over 100 international libraries and catalogs.
This journal uses the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) System to identify published articles and authors are requested to provide the ORCID number.
This journal imposes no processing or submission charges for the articles that it publishes.
Authors transfer copyright and publishing rights to the publisher as part of a journal publishing agreement.
Journal Metrics 2022
Journal Impact Factor: 0,4
Journal Citation Indicator: 0,37
Article influence score: 0.040
Quartile = Q3 - Law
H index = 6
CiteScore = 0,9; SNIP = 0.394; SJR = 0.281,
Quartile= Q2 - Law; H index = 4
ICI Journals Master List
ICV 2022 = 100.00
History of the journal
The name of this journal takes its origins in the interwar period. Thus, a journal entitled "Juridical Tribune" appeared in Romania, for the first time in the interwar period, in 1919. Between 1919-1923 the "Juridical Tribune" Journal had as managing director on Dimitrie Alexandrescu, a prominent lawyer at the time considered "the founder of comparative study of law in Romania" (M. Hacman).
In the pages of this journal have published juridical personalities of the time such as: Dimitrie Alexandrescu (1850-1925 – the author devoted to civil law compared to the interwar period, Bachelor of Legal Studies at the Universities of Nancy (1870-1871) and Paris (1871-1875), published excerpts from the Preliminary review of the civil code, drafted under the assignment given by the Commission of the unification of law and the Manual of the Romanian civil law compared with Austrian, Hungarian and Russian and other foreign legislations in the "Juridical Tribune" Journal, in 1921), Vintilă Dongoroz (1893-1983 – Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy, one of the principal authors of the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code adopted in 1968, a member of the Society of Comparative Legislation in Paris and the International Association of Penal Law published since 1920, studies, articles and annotations in the "Juridical Tribune" Journal), Alexandru Costin (1884-1948, vice president of the International Congress of Comparative Law at The Hague in 1931, member of Legislative Studies Society in Paris and Society of comparative law in Paris, member of the Romanian Academy).
The reappearance of the "Juridical Tribune" Journal, at more than 90 years since first number came out in the light of day, we want to resume the tradition of comparative law debate inaugurated by Dimitrie Alexandrescu in the pages of this Journal. Also in this Journal we want to resume the inter-war tradition of collaboration with major personalities of national and international legal framework.
Each article received for publication will be subject to "peer review" evaluation system to select only those articles which have a high scientific level and that match the profile of the journal.
This Journal is addressed to all researchers, lovers of right judgments, and who wish to make their views known to the international debate. All these are expected to publish studies, articles and comments in the "Juridical Tribune – Tribuna Juridica" Journal.
Open Access Policy
This is an open access journal in on-line version which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. The users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, but subject to the following conditions:
- is mentioned the name(s) of the author(s), article title, that article is published in Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law and indicate page/pages cited of the journal;
- exactly reproduction of the material when it is quoted, used, discussed or multiplied;
- the copyright of the author(s) may not be infringed in any way.
Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
La Tribune juridique vient de paraître.
En tant que membre de la communauté des juristes de l'Université d'Orléans, je suis très heureuse de saluer l'apparition de ce premier numéro. Cette nouvelle revue enrichit la scène doctrinale roumaine et constitue un forum d'expression pour les scientifiques du droit roumain mais aussi français, européen et international. Dans un contexte de mondialisation et grâce à la collaboration de juristes de cultures et de sensibilités différentes, l'apport de ce nouveau périodique deviendra essentiel tant pour la recherche juridique nationale, qu'européenne ou mondiale.
Souhaitons-lui longue vie!
Catherine VINCENT
Maître de conférences (HDR) en droit privé
Centre de recherche juridique Pothier
Faculté de Droit, d'Economie et de Gestion d'Orléans